The law of attraction works. Just not in the capacity in which most people believe it does. In fact, the very foundation of the law of attraction is often explained upside down from reality. So here is the truth… Bitcoin to soar in 2021? This is the big question I answer today. Warning: No one should take the information in podcast #159 at face value until I release the follow up commentary to this podcast. Subscribe to my…
Successful pushback against lockdowns can only be paved by the road of self-reliance and critical thought. I would love to say that I was wrong when I posted this podcast about the ruling class milking the virus for all its… I made this podcast for the benefit of BTC owners that don’t understand the gateway to manipulation provided to bankers of futures markets on prices. If there’s one thing I understand after 20 yrs of study of this topic,… The more we become indoctrinated to propaganda disseminated by the ruling class through political leaders, banking leaders, and mass media platforms including social media, the more unlikely we will ever live as free men and women. I produce all…
Though there are still six weeks left in 2020, I do not even need to observe the last six weeks to award the skwealthacademy’s version of Time magazine’s Man of the Year to the unthinking, compliant pod. The heights of… Today, I discuss why high level critical thinking is essential for solid profit making ability when developing investment and wealth preservation strategies. Of the three to six videos I release every week to my patrons ($5 level per month,…
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In today’s brief article, I am going to discuss various possibilities for how gold and silver prices react to the 2020 US Presidential election outcome. If Trump is polling ahead in early results, then gold and silver prices should continue… This is a quick and dirty podcast only for those interested in learning where I drop highly valuable information in my publicly uploaded content from time to time and for those interested in becoming an skwealthacademy patron. Patrons receive…