Below, please find the English translation of the article “El antiguo economista jefe del BCE advierte de un colapso en el sistema monetario mundial”, por Javier Santacurz Cano de la webpage, courtesy of maalamalama. We apologize if there are…
Month: May 2014
In 1940, a governor on the board of the most powerful private banking cartel in the world revealed a shocking secret to the world about wealth preservation. Well over 99% of the world still does not understand the secret he…
On the same day in which we released our letter writing campaign to “End Gold Price Manipulation Now!”, Barclays Plc was fined $43.8 million and Barclays trader Daniel James Plunkett was fined more than $160,000 for manipulating the gold price…
In the below video, we present to you two clips regarding evidence of alleged gold price manipulation by the usual suspects: the Bank of Nova Scotia, Barclays, Deutsche Bank, HSBC and Société Générale, JP Morgan and Citibank. In addition,…
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
After a longer than century history of manipulating silver prices through the London AM/PM silver price “fix”, the London silver price fix will effectively end as of 14 August 2014 with the silver fixers – HSBC, Deustche Bank and the…
The intensifying currency wars between the pro-dollar, anti-gold Western banking cartel and the anti-dollar, pro-gold, pro-sovereign currencies Eastern/BRIC banking cartel have been evident in the increasing daily volatility in gold and silver spot prices. Note that we said spot prices…
Gold & silver price capping measures still happening every month? Is this a problem for you, bullion dealers? In the below video we discuss how you can combat any potential CME gold & silver price capping measures to limit moves…
Presented below without comment, an exposition about global currency wars: “Why I love real money but hate the US dollar”: