Truth is the ultimate black swan. All other black swans are a myth. Financial websites are littered with articles written by people trying to predict the next black swan event that will usher in the implosion of the global Bubble…
Gold and silver prices are ready to move higher, after a brief consolidation period, even though recent price behavior is not supporting this notion. Today, gold dipped back below $1,500 an ounce and silver dipped below $17 an ounce. However,…
The Worst Advice About the Best Ways to Invest in Gold is Always Advice to Buy Paper Gold The worst advice about the best ways to invest in gold, even in almost every top article returned under an internet search…
The divergence between gold and silver price performance and US stock market performance that occurred over the last year will accelerate in coming years. Thus all significant dips in gold and silver prices should be interpreted as buying opportunities, which…
Everything I Know About Improving My Life, I Learned Outside of School, Part 3 Today, in every nation around the world, schools lack applied knowledge. And for this very reason, everything I know today about improving my life, I learned…
Challenge Any Limiting Beliefs About What is Possible by Continuing to Update the Human Operating System Every Year I believe that one thing we should do every year without fail is to update the human operating system every year and…
Greetings, in this article, I discuss 9 problems with the school system. Here is part 1 of a multi-part series regarding some of my thoughts about everything that is wrong with institutional education today that hinders most of us from…
I have long lamented the incessant click-bait, sensationalistic gold propaganda that damages the sound money movement, such as “Gold ready to explode higher any day!” The same goes for sensationalistic silver propaganda such as headlines of “Silver ready to explode…
Welcome to a New Way of Thinking The Tomii Academy mission is about disrupting and revolutionizing global wealth education and the societal constructs of success and wealth. Subscribe to my Building Wealth With Tomii Academy newsletter by clicking here! At…
The point of no return is a phrase that is often used without restraint, but it is one that is increasingly deserving of use in regard to Central Banker policy decisions. The reason that we are on the verge of…