the tomii academy mission

learn about the maalamalama mission and the skwealthacademy curriculum, designed to disrupt and revolutionize education and wealth preservation strategies, including the best gold and silver education courses in the world
the maalamalama mission

Welcome to a New Way of Thinking

The Tomii Academy mission is about disrupting and revolutionizing global wealth education and the societal constructs of success and wealth. Subscribe to my Building Wealth With Tomii Academy newsletter by clicking here! At Tomii Academy, I spent fifteen years of my life designing 20 distinct courses that (1) identify and unwind blind acceptance of widely accepted concepts as “right” when they may not necessarily be so; (2) rewire thought patterns be receptive to creativity and to new knowledge that challenges old ways of thinking; (3) retrain minds to think divergently instead of convergently; and (4) provide exercises and activities that focus on applied learning with high utility versus exams that focus on regurgitation of knowledge in activities with almost no utility in the real world. To learn more about these courses, just visit the website here.

Real world tasks, not examinations and mindless regurgitation of learned materials, whether learning investment strategies or critical thinking skills, are required to make learning fun again and to reinstate in us the limitless curiosity of a child. Most importantly, my mission is to provide education that will grant everyone with a sense of purpose in life and to instill the pursuit of a meaningful life, with wealth building one of the many goals, and not just the singular goal of life.  As such my academy will teach you an understanding of monetary and financial truths that you will never learn inside the business academic classroom of any traditional business program in the entire world.

A Holistic Definition of Wealth and Success

The Tomii Academy mission of building a balanced equilibrium of mental, material and physical wealth is a very achievable  goal for all of us, as we all possessed this balanced definition of wealth in spades when we were young. Just because we lost our way when we became conditioned by belief systems rooted in false paradigms that funneled us into the same pathways does not mean that we cannot regain our way today, no matter our age. For those of us that were not self-educated and/or homeschooled, decades  of exposure to academic classroom settings unfortunately reinforced societal constructs of compliant obedience deliberately designed to strip us of our individuality and to encourage us to conform to thought embraced within a hive-like mentality.  I recall, while attending an Ivy League university, how so many of my peers seemed to have been shaped into indistinguishable clones, struck from the same cookie-cutter mold.

Consequently, the goals that I establish in my Academy courses will not be attained easily and will require a good dose of persistence, discipline and struggle. However, there is nothing in life worth achieving that does not require discipline, commitment and hard work. Though I am fond of the movie “The Matrix”, one message with which I hugely disagree is its message that waking up to reality will leave someone in a perpetual state of misery and that it is better to live in delusion. By consuming the red pill, an act that granted the protagonist of the film, Neo, the ability to perceive truth with clarity, the beauty of life was quickly washed away. This message is just another iteration of the false “ignorance is bliss” motif spread throughout the world by those in power. Instead, we must be smart enough to understand that the exact opposite of this harmful message is true.


Be the Light and Do Good

The Tomii Academy mission is about being the light and doing good. After we understand that many of our belief systems are rooted in false paradigms, which the courses of my Academy explain, we then have the knowledge to break free from the chains of our self-limiting beliefs and to embrace a more positive outlook on life.  Today, the Ruling Class Gatekeepers widely promote a false message that our choices are limited to either selling out and becoming rich or engaging in a career of service to others but remaining poor.  I believe that most people are inherently kind and good and that they will support businesses that pursue a mission of service and light by paying fair value for their offered services or products, whether that service is knowledge or products like fresh, organic food items. If we bond together and support communities that build businesses that push society towards light instead of darkness, then we can and will eventually defeat the relentless corporate global push towards darkness.

Consequently, for my former colleagues that still remain in banking, paralyzed by the fear that they can’t do anything that is positive for humanity, I firmly believe this mindset is wrong. I believe that people all over the world would reward them for leaving an industry that harms humanity and for having the courage to start a new career in an industry that benefits humanity by providing them with financial support for this transition, even if that new industry was a restructured banking industry that served us instead of perpetually sought to enslave us. I’ve made the point on numerous prior occasions that there is nothing inherently “bad” with the banking industry, and that if it were an industry that re-focused on serving its clients, it could once again be an honorable industry that benefited humanity. The point at which banking became immoral is when the world’s richest men developed it in the darkness of secrecy as a platform to enrich themselves through deception and to promote unsound money called fiat currencies.

What is the Minimum Age Required to Complete Tomii Academy Courses?

The Tomii Academy mission does not discriminate against any race, religion, nationality or age. Many ask us if young children would be able to complete our courses, and I say YES! My motto is to never restrict and confine a young child’s development, as frequently occurs in standard brick and mortar classrooms. When a child is held back in a classroom, that doesn’t mean he or she is dumber than his or her classmates, and when a child excels in a classroom, that doesn’t mean he or she is smarter than his or her classmates. All this means, is that relative to his or her peers, his or her brain works differently for that particular topic being studied, and such discrepancies in learning speed are not only normal, but present wonderful opportunities to utilize peer-to-peer learning experiences to enhance the education of all students. I am confident that even children as young as ten to twelve years of age can gain much from some of the classes in my Academy, because I am not here to serve as the authoritative, infallible teacher at the head of the classroom, but rather to serve as a guide to help each individual unlock his or her bottomless well of curiosity.

At Tomii Academy, there are six prerequisite courses, including Why Finding Purpose Should Be Your Top Goal in Life, Escaping the Life Defeating Concepts of Cognitive Dissonance and Confirmation Bias, and Do Bankers Manipulate Gold and Silver Prices?  For the former two courses, I believe that children as young as ten are capable of completing them,  because a child is never too young to start the journey of finding purpose in life or the journey of becoming a critical, intellectual thinker. There may be some passages in each of these courses that require some parental guidance and explanation to fully understand, but for the most part, I believe that ten years of age is not too young for a child to extract valuable lessons from the prerequisite courses of my Academy. For the last prerequisite course, Do Bankers Manipulate Gold and Silver Prices, it is probably best for a child to mature into his or her teen years before attempting to tackle that course.

The reasons I have required these six courses of my academy (each of the above three listed programs consist of two courses each) as requirements before completing all other courses are as follows. One, if we do not understand the principles of Cognitive Dissonance and Confirmation Bias fully, we may continue to be duped into believing false precepts and principles that may limit our ability to internalize new concepts and knowledge. And two, though a course on finding life purpose may seem out of place to most for an education academy, I believe that it is a perfect fit. Why? Not only do traditional academic institutions fail miserably in providing real actionable steps for young adults to find their purpose in life, but since academic classrooms stress career over all else, many times young adults turn into mature adults, continue to conflate their careers for their purpose, and then when they retire, find a massive void in their life they cannot fill simply because they were so engrossed in their career to realized that their career was not their purpose. For example, this is why I developed a separate curriculum especially for professional athletes.

The pro sports Tomii Academy curriculum

The Tomii Academy mission will solve one of the greatest problems afflicting professional athletes today. Of course, everyone in life needs to find his or her purpose, not just athletes, but star professional athletes often suffer depression when the constant, unhealthy adoration and adulation of thousands of screaming fans abruptly disappears after retirement. Many athletes have severe difficulty to adjusting to life without the constant feedback loop of fame, but one way a professional athlete can prevent this unnecessary period of adjustment is to find purpose while one is still a professional athlete. If an athlete finds his or her purpose while still engaged in his or her professional career, then the transition into retirement can be seamless and easy and not require the services of a psychologist or psychiatrist as so many athletes require.

Secondly, because most professional athletes in the world’s largest leagues reside in the top paid demographic of their entire nation, vultures in the form of financial advisers often flock around them, and the vast majority of these athletes do not know the proper questions to ask of an adviser to determine if his or her adviser actually knows what he or she is doing or is just a vulture looking for a free meal. A few years ago, Sports Illustrated magazine estimated that 4 out of 5 NFL players go broke just 3 years into retirement in a profession in which the average salary is $2M a year. This shameful statistic alone is proof of the types of vultures that exist in the realm of professional sports agents and advisers. If most sports agents and advisers provided just average, not even good financial advice, this statistic would automatically be reduced to 1 in 5 versus 4 out of 5. In the presence of good financial advice, this stat would be 0 out of 5. In fact, in mid-2019, I know of at least one strategy that is near guaranteed to ensure that any athlete making $2M a year, even if their career only lasts 5-years, would be set for life, yet I am sure that less than 1 in a few thousand ever suggest it. Notice I said, near-guaranteed, because in the financial world, though I’m very confident in this strategy, there are no guarantees ever, so to make a 100% guarantee is an impossibility in a world in which this is not feasible.


Be More than Better Every Year. Be Extraordinary. The Tomii Academy mission is about being extraordinary. Every year, my New Year’s resolution is a simple one, and that is simply to be a better man than I was the previous year. My goal at my Academy is for each of our members to also fulfill this simple mission – to ensure that you become a better person every year of your life. In order for me to be successful in this mission, I only ask for your dedication to the learning process before signing up for a single course. You will be the best determinant of how much success you extract from all of my courses, because I cannot force you to complete the exercises that accompany my courses that are required to transform your life. Consequently, I can guarantee that if you don’t put much effort into my Academy that you won’t get much out of it.

Conversely, I also can guarantee that the more effort you put into our Academy, the more rewards you will reap from it, and that this dedication will be life-transforming. Discipline is required for success so if you know you don’t have any discipline, my recommendation would be to either delay signing up for my courses until you are ready, or to only sign up for the course about seeking life purpose, which includes exercises to build discipline, to ensure that you have the proper discipline to succeed. However, I firmly believe that if you truly are committed to extracting the most possible goodwill and benefit for yourself, that you will find one to two hours every day to engage in our coursework on a consistent basis, as discipline requires consistency.

Choosing to complete coursework one day, then skipping two days, then completing work again on the fourth day, and skipping the fifth day is not discipline. Discipline without consistency is normal, and at Tomii Academy, I challenge you to be extraordinary. Furthermore, if you are well beyond your academic years, don’t worry. Learning is not a process that begins with the first day of pre-school and ends with the last day of high-school, university or a graduate-level program, but it is a never-ending process, no matter our age. As appropriate as my courses may be for an 18-year old, they will still be as equally appropriate for a 55-year old.

As I started creating this academy when I was still running my first company, I had to put in three to four hours of work after a full-day of work every day for fifteen straight years to research, develop and consummate all the materials you will find inside my Academy. And after I closed my previous company to dedicate myself full time to the launch of this Academy, I often worked 3, 4, 5 months in a row with not a single day off, often putting in 14+ hours a day, every day, in order to bring this Academy to you.  During that time, in order to have any time for friends and to not turn into an out-of-shape 80 kg man, it was easy to understand that I had to exercise extreme discipline, not only in my use of time, but also in my diet and in my exercise regimen. Many people wonder why my Tomii Academy IG channel contains occasional posts of me exercising at 4AM and 5AM in the morning and ask me what these posts have to do with education. The late great reggae star Bob Marley once said, “You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice.” I believe that such circumstances are circumstance everyone should face at least once, if not multiple times in their lives, as they present an important rite of passage in the development of persistence, honor and character.

Since the time before sunrise was the only time of my day I had to exercise, that was the time I woke up to stay in shape, and the time of day I continue to wake up to exercise, so I can have the energy to go hard all day, every day, and still have a little bit of time left over for community with friends. In other words, I want people to understand that if I can do it, and much less discipline is required to complete my academy courses if you are working full-time right now, then certainly you can do it as well!

Fifteen Years in the Making. Join the Growing Tomii Academy Global Community!

The Tomii Academy mission is about building a brighter future for the next generation of humanity. As it took several hours, every day for the last 15-years of my life to research, develop, and write all text materials and to record all audio materials, and for the last 18-months, I averaged more than 12-hours of work per day, nearly every day, to finally transform Tomii Academy from a far-fetched dream into reality.  If you believe in our ideals, please bookmark this blog right now and continually visit us in the future, as I will continue to publish articles about wealth building and investing and news about my Academy, including free giveaways here. I have been working by myself, non-stop, for the last fifteen years to create the foundation for my Academy. The next step in continuing to build out my Academy, after its launch in April of 2024, will be the development of peer-to-peer learning forums and platforms. In order to do this, I will re-invest the revenues I receive from member subscriptions into building out interactive peer-to-peer platforms that enable Tomii Academy members to learn not only from my courses, but to learn from one another. I actually have much bigger goals for these interactive peer-to-peer platforms that would provide much greater benefits to my members, but as I’m getting years ahead of myself right now, I am keeping those plans under wraps for now.  Depending on how much of this endeavor I can fund solely from generated revenues, I may also launch a fundraising campaign, if necessary to achieve this goal, so please periodically check back on my website for details, as if I launch a kickstarter campaign there to assist with Phase 2 of my dream, I will make the announcement there.

What’s Your Superpower?

The Tomii Academy mission is about finding your superpower. In conclusion, I once heard someone ask the question, “If you could have any superpower, what superpower would you want?” My answer is simple: The ability to enable everyone to find and achieve their life purpose. I believe that this is even a better superpower than the ability to make everyone happy, as carefree, happy people, especially those that have inherited enormous sums of money from their families, can sometimes be unmotivated, lazy people. The ability to help everyone realize their fullest potential while here on planet Earth by finding their life purpose is the superpower I desire, and hope to fulfill in coming years.

Lastly, it is said that you must ask to receive, so if any of the articles that I’ve written here, published at my substack newsletter, or if any of the videos I’ve uploaded in past years have resonated with you, please share them with your friends and family. I would be grateful to those that subscribe and encourage friends and family to subscribe to my Tomii Academy substack newsletter. You have no idea how much I would appreciate this simple act. The larger a community we form together, the more people I will be able to assist, even in the form of scholarships to my academy, in the future. 

To download the comprehensive fact sheets (both long and abridged) describing all Tomii Academy coursework and to download my full curriculum, please visit us at In the meantime you may also follow us on IG at Tomii Academy and also on Telegram with the same channel name.

J. Kim

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