
Blogs en Español?

He observado que algunas visitantes aquí son de países de habla español. Pues tengo una pregunta. ¿Ustedes desean la información aquí traducida al Español? Ahora no tengo la habilidad para traducir todo, pero tal vez, si recibo bastantes peticiones, intentaré…


It’s the Economy Stupid!

September 28, 2006 – Historically, August and September are very weak months in the stock market and rallies start in October into November and December. Then January has always been a very strong month performance wise as investors buy back…


The Quiet Before the Storm

September 27, 2006 – Looking at the DJIA and S&P500 charts today, they merit serious caution. Check out the doubletop formations on both. On average doubletop formations are met with a 15% retracing of gains from the line that connects…


A: I’m Not Looking So Smart…Yet

Q: What Does a Review of Your Short-Term Trade Look Like So Far? Today, I’m going to review a previous blog on September 14th that I titled “A Short Term Trade”, something “We Never Provide Information About”. In that blog,…

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