By looking at the World Economic Forum annual report’s top rated global risks at their annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, it is possible to predict the agenda of those with the most power in this world to drive global policies. This year, you can see that in regard to the most likely crisis to manifest in 2020, the global rich and powerful have marked climate crises, water crises, and cybersecurity issues as their top likely crises for 2020, with terror attacks, interestingly near the bottom of their concerns in magnitude of likelihood. Knowing their top identified risks, we can understand what their top priorities will be in 2020, and using this knowledge, I will predict the headlines that will dominate mainstream media this year. Thus, despite the questionable and suspect science that surrounds current media darling Greta Thunberg’s hysteria-infused, non-science based global warming claims, powerful politicians and bankers are likely in 2020 to parlay the global warming hysteria of Greta Thunberg’s platform to tax the world’s citizens more heavily in the form of a “green tax” and also tax corporations more heavily with more stringent carbon taxes to cash in on the climate change hysteria propagated by a misguided teenager.
Many people do not realize that the United Nations has been pushing a climate change agenda since the late 1960s, and that UN Secretary General Maurice Strong became the first director of the UN Environment Programme (UNEP) during the 1972 UN Conference in Stockholm, Sweden. The alarmist view of climate change heavily promoted by Greta Thunberg, therefore, is not new, but has been promoted by nearly half a century now, sometimes ebbing, sometimes peaking, and currently, once again peaking, as it was named as one of the largest global risks at Davos, Switzerland this year. Furthermore, the alarmist, unscientific view of reality to promote rapid change has been a strategy adopted by global policy makers for just as long. For example, the neocon think tank Project for the New American Century (PNAC), in a document they published in 1997, endorsed a “catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor” as necessary to achieve and expedite “the process of transformation (restructuring the power alliances)” in the Middle East). The new Pearl Harbor came in the form of the World Trade Center attacks just four years later, and massive change in privacy rights came in the form of the Patriot Act legislation.
From reading this same report, we can connect the dots to policy plans from 1997 to today’s Davos, Switzerland meeting, in which “control of space and cyberspace” was identified as paramount to controlling “world power in the future” in 1997, to the identification of “cyberattacks” as a top global threat in 2020 in Davos. However, ever major global agenda ever promoted has one goal and one goal only – to transfer as much of the world’s resources from all citizens on planet Earth to the 1% of the wealthiest in the world to enable the world’s wealthiest 1% to subjugate and control the remaining 99% of global citizens. To think otherwise after having centuries of data to analyze that point to this conclusion is the height of naivete.
For example, if you click on the photo below, you will see an animation, courtesy of Metrocosm, of the massively shrinking middle class in more than 20 major metropolitan areas in America from 1970 to 2015.
The above animation, along with the comparison of the cost of living in America in 1975 v. 2019 here, it is obvious that the wealth of the middle class has largely disappeared over the past half century in America while the wealth of the wealthiest 1% in America has grown at an exponential rate. Thus, the entire mission of the global banking system has been manifested before our very eyes for the last century. In addition, for those of us that are voracious readers of non-fiction and have engaged in daily self-education pursuits, we clearly understand that levels of intellect and critical thought in general society has severely plummeted over the past half-century. Why? Such an inglorious achievement could not have been possible, such as the slow death of the middle class, if this mission was not built into a systemic construct of human life – that of academia and schooling.
Consequently, given the massive “success” of the academic system in dumbing us down and in the monetary system in creating massive wealth inequality, given that climate change and cybersecurity are now major focuses of the same group of people responsible for the degeneration of our global academic and monetary systems, the question that begs to be answered is the following: What is their agenda for these two constructs?
The answer for at least one of these two questions can be extracted straight from the horse’s mouth. Mr. Ottmar Edenhofer, the joint Co-Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group III Mitigation of Climate Change, summarized the UN’s half-century focus on climate change hysteria as follows: “One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with the environmental policy anymore, with problems such as deforestation or the ozone hole…We redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy.” And how can climate change policy lead to wealth redistribution to the 1% of the world’s wealthiest? In 2007, through his film, An Inconvenient Truth, US Senator Al Gore used climate hysteria to influence governments to invest in many companies in which he was heavily invested to become the world’s first “carbon billionaire” and it is highly likely that the attendees of the Davos conference will parlay Greta Thunberg’s climate hysteria to enrich themselves by billions in the coming years as well. Regarding global water crises, which is the circle of immediate global threats identified by global corporatists, we can also be sure that they will privatize increasingly scarce fresh water supplies to grow their wealth as well.
Finally, regarding cybersecurity issues, though undoubtedly the attendees are already heavily invested in firms poised to profit from this concern, this issue will likely be used to restrict freedoms of citizens all around the world and to subject us to more and more perpetual states of surveillance.