
Prepare for Massive Social Unrest Around the World: The Survival Guide for Citizens in a Revolution

We wholeheartedly endorse peaceful revolution, but unfortunately, history tells us that when tyrannies force the majority of the middle class into poverty in any country, violent revolution will result. The banking cartel that controls the US military has been war gaming conditions of massive social unrest for years now with Unified Quest 2011. Whether you believe violent revolution will occur in your country or not, unfortunately this is an important read for everyone because often the signs for violent revolution simmer beneath the surface and are not visible out in the open, leaving millions in countries supremely unprepared to survive should systemic chaos break out. Violent revolution never happens “overnight” but the appearance that it happens overnight is due to the long periods of time it takes for negative conditions to percolate that produce an abundance of pent up frustration and anger in the populace that can explode and build momentum quickly. Look to Yugoslavia as a historic example. Though to the outside world, the Croat and Serb conflict appeared to explode out of nowhere in the early 1990s, political leaders in Croatia had fostered ethnic hatred between Croats and Serbs for at least the prior decade by using centuries-old prejudices to scapegoat each other for the building economic disaster in Yugoslavia. Pent-up ethnic hatred and economic frustration gave the appearance that this civil war seemed to explode “overnight” to the outside world though certainly Croatians and Serbians had seen signs of the impending disaster for years prior. Tensions between Croats and Serbs lead to the extermination of at least 100,000 to 200,000 people, lack of access to gas, water, food and electricity, and 2,500,000 refugees.

Currently, today, there are many present signs in relatively peaceful nations of impending violent outbreaks. Here is a guide to help you identify these signs and how to prepare for even the possibility of massive social chaos. Because the global banking cartel is routing and pillaging wealth across the world today, one must prepare for this possibility even if it seems remote right now. So we present to you, at this link, The Survival Guide for Citizens in a Revolution. We wish this could be The Survival Guide for Citizens in a Peaceful Revolution, but unfortunately the global banking cartel seems hell bent right now on instigating a violent one. The intelligent course of action today is to hope for peaceful revolution and to foster peace, but to prepare for violent revolution should one break out.

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