Regarding gold equities research and gold and silver spot prices, this is what I recently wrote in our July issue in our Crisis Investment Opportunities newsletter: Regarding gold: “I believe that gold will reverse in price closer to the $1,200…
Today, we take a look at the two-year old nationwide data breach of the Swedish Transport Agency, in which STA personnel mistakenly uploaded personal data of millions of Swedish citizens to the cloud, where unauthorized personnel had access to this…
Over the years, we have always encountered numerous subscribers to our YouTube channel that tell us they never receive any notifications of uploaded new content even though they have clicked our “subscription” button and subscribed. The reason for this is…
In the inaugural skwealthAcademy podcast_001, I discuss how the wealthiest echelon of global political and banking & finance communities around the world use tribal affiliations imprinted into our DNA to weaken our resolve, our honor, our integrity and our principles…
Today, we bring you SmartKnowledgeWealthAcademy Vlog_001, in which we discuss how the wealthiest people in the top echelons of global politics, banking and finance, and corporate business are using their divide and conquer strategy to perfection by shuttling us into…
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This article discusses five false divisions between gold and cryptocurrency communities that have been recently promoted. These false divisions between gold and cryptocurrency communities have been artificially created and widely spread in order to suppress widespread understanding of sound money…
Is life really about suffering? I really enjoyed this podcast as I thought that Mr. Peterson made many of insightful comments. However, there is little value, in my opinion, in posting a list stating “The 12 Things Jordan Peterson…
The curious nature about interest in gold and silver assets is that interest in gold and silver is always lowest when opportunity is best. Earlier, in February/March of this year, on my, I warned daily of potential deep pullbacks in…
About a month ago, on 23 March, I wrote that a divergence between gold and silver stocks and US stocks was likely later this year. If we look at the two below charts, we see that a divergence between US…