
maalamalama Podcast #1

Here is the first maalamalama Podcast #1 that we posted on our YouTube channel on 16 February 2015. As requested by some of our YouTube channel subscribers, please find a downloadable mp3 file of the said podcast. Basically for topics on our YouTube channel that run more than 15 to 20 minutes, we will be releasing them in the form of a podcast, available as downloadable mp3 files here and available to listen to on YouTube. To be informed of future podcasts, please subscribe to the maalamalama YouTube channel here by clicking on the red “subscribe” button. Today, we discuss what bankers really mean by the word “bailout”, which is a false word in the manner in which they use it, and why the Greek Syriza party, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, and Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis are so opposed to a Eurogroup “bailout” extension which will harm Greek citizens for decades to come. Furthermore we discuss the US NBC news anchor Brian Williams scandal, and why this scandal is so important as it relates to the mainstream media constantly deceiving the public with not only “fake”, made-up news about wars, but also banker propaganda and “fake”, made-up news about what is happening in the world of global finance. If you can make the leap in connecting the dots of the Brian Williams scandal to news anchors all over the world regularly reporting fake news about global finance, then you will be much better prepared to handle the coming financial earthquakes that are coming in 2015-2016 that will shock most people, but be expected by those willing to dig for the truth.

Download the maalamalama #1 Podcast here

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