
The Most Important Question to Ask About Wealth Preservation

In 1940, a governor on the board of the most powerful private banking cartel in the world revealed a shocking secret to the world about wealth preservation. Well over 99% of the world still does not understand the secret he revealed more than three-quarters of a century ago even though it has the greatest impact on wealth preservation, exceeding the impact of any subject material taught in any business school or graduate school setting today. If everyone understood his comment made in 1940, we would not be in the global economic distress we are today because we would unilaterally have rejected the monetary platforms we have so willingly embraced for the last several decades.

If there were only one question someone could ask a financial adviser or wealth preservation strategist to judge his or her credibility and future success with managing your assets, it should be to ask the meaning of that comment revealed in 1940. If you find someone unable to answer that question with great clarity and detail, you should realize that this person absolutely has no business advising you on how to preserve wealth. The ability to answer this question with great clarity will have a direct correlation to your wealth preservation skills during the culmination of our current Central Banking currency wars. Who was this person, what was his statement and what is that question? Watch the short 5-minute video below to find out the answers.

 themostimportantquestionclick on the above picture to play the video


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