The Most Mind Blowing Conspiracy Theory Ever

the most mind blowing global lockdown conspiracy theory ever

This may be the most mind blowing conspiracy theory ever. Many people that listened to my podcasts (subscribe at at the end of last year heard me state numerous times that I was tired of hearing people repeat, like parrots, that they couldn’t wait for 2020 to end so they could finally be free to move about in their nation and around the world.  Why was I tired of hearing the “I can’t wait for this year to be over” or “2020 has been the worst year ever” memes? The answer was that it was quite obvious that the global lockdowns were NOT going to be lifted in 2021, and that, if necessary, news stories of mutated versions of the virus would be artificially manufactured to instill and reinforce any dissipating fear and anxiety among the global masses. This, despite the fact that ALL viruses experience the phenomenon of antigenic drift. And what news stories did we observe greeting us in 2021? “NEW, MORE DANGEROUS MUTATIONS” of the virus dominated news headlines that rationalized continued lockdowns, just as predicted.

Those that knew I predicted exactly this, have asked me to comment on the end game of this total global economic destruction. So, what is the END GAME of these global economic lockdowns? Is to transfer wealth to the 0.1% as we all know that only the billionaire class (Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Tesla’s Elon Musk, credit card companies like Mastercard and Visa) has really benefited from the lockdowns? Is it to kill the poor (the UN estimated hundreds of millions have been pushed into food insecurity and tens of millions may die if the lockdowns continue)? Is it to boost fear, anxiety, depression and learned helplessness among the global population, qualities that all boost compliance and obedience to the State (and as evidenced by Japan’s launch of a new Government ministry, the Ministry of Loneliness to deal with increasing female suicides)? In fact, the end game, as peripheral goals, may include elements of all of the above.

But the real end game is to quickly usher in the global digital economy and to terraform the economic landscape into a completely digital one as quickly as possible. Why? Some of the reasons should be self-evident, such as the complete control over speech that a ban of cash and coins and a movement to 100% digital money would enable. In a completely digital monetary world, speak truth to power about any issue and the State will be able to completely squash all dissent by shutting off the digital savings accounts of all dissenters, effectively starving them to death. Other reasons may not be so obvious and I discuss a more well rounded exploration of this topic in my podcast below.

click the image above to play

I urge all people to at a minimum, watch the last 4:00 minutes of the above podcast from about the 28:00 mark to the32:00 mark. In these four minutes, I talk about the absolutely most horrific consequences of these global lockdowns, intended or not, and the top reason why everyone should call for an immediate end to global lockdowns. However, the most mind blowing conspiracy theory ever about the global lockdowns has nothing to do with the end game, but it revolves around the story behind the lockdowns, which I will discuss in just a moment.

And even though the most mind blowing conspiracy theory ever is pure speculation (drawn however, from historical facts), I would not be surprised that if in the future, in 2050, we learn that my speculative theory was on point. So here it is. The dichotomy between the West (the US, UK and also Australia) and China has always been a completely manufactured one to completely distract people from reality. The reality is that plenty of Westerners have always conspired with China to effectively execute Western goals and the “China is the enemy” narrative can be easily exposed as absurd by exploring history. Those promoting the New World Order, like the WEF, and those that plan policies that drive the global economy every year in Davos, Switzerland have always been a mix of East and West so to believe there is a dichotomy of goals that reside on opposite ends of the ideological spectrum is a belief simply reserved for the non-analytical and the non-intellectuals of this world.

For example, consider the photo below of Sidney Rittenberg, an American citizen that rose to an influential position of power within the Chinese Communist Party under the reign of Mao Tse Tung.

As the best argument to establish any point of view is to encourage one to conduct one’s own research to confirm facts, I would encourage all of you to research online the subject of “Westerners that rose to power in the Communist Chinese party” as you will discover other non-Chinese people that actually secured cabinet positions in the Communist Party in China’s political history. Be warned, however, that when you research this topic, you will find a lot of rubbish anti-Semitic opinions, simply because a couple of the non-Chinese people that rose to positions of considerable influence in China’s communist history were of the Jewish faith.

To easily squash this warped ideological view, one only needs to turn to the history of one of the biggest most influential banks in China today, Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation (better known as HSBC) as a bank that was founded and always controlled by the British. However, before moving on to notable Western players that control important elements of the Chinese banking infrastructure, just consider how insane of a notion it would be to Americans or British people if a Chinese national had ever been appointed as the US Treasury Secretary or the Chancellor of the Exchequer, because the comparable situation happened in China. If this doesn’t inform you that the dichotomy between China and the West is a completely fabricated one, and that the wealthiest societal members of the West have a long storied history of working amicably with China to drive global policy while presenting a façade of enemy discord, then perhaps an introspection of HSBC’s origins will convince you of this fact. 

Though HSBC was originally founded by British oligarchs to launder the cash of the British opium trade in Hong Kong and in mainland China, and surely this was viewed as a hostile, enemy directive by the Chinese oligarchs, the fact that HSBC bank remains one of the most powerful banks in China, and is still fully controlled by the British, is much more revealing. Why? Well, this indisputable fact would be analogous to allowing a man that had an adulterous affair with your wife to sleep under your roof every night. The fact that HSBC still operates in China, despite its ugly origin story that was detrimental to China, means that the British oligarchs have reached some kind of agreement in which both sides work together to reach the same goals. Can you image if the Bank of China had a history of laundering opium drug money throughout the UK, using the port of London as the entryway to sell Chinese opium to destroy the UK economy? Do you think there would be an ice cube’s chance in hell of the Bank of China still operating in the UK as one of the top UK banks?

If this still is not enough to convince you that there are very well established and deep economic partnerships between the Americans and the British and China, even though for public consumption, the Western oligarchs are perpetually painting China as the “most dangerous threat to global stability”, then consider the history of top American politicians and policy makers in China, because this history is also long and storied. The US Presidential Bush family has so many financial investments in China, that after a visit, Chinese Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping told George Bush Sr., “You are our old friends. You are welcome to come back anytime in the future.” Though this quote is very well-known, the “old friends” comment was overlooked or ignored by most, as Deng Xiaoping offered this open door policy to Bush Sr. in 2004. Recall that Bush Sr. served as US President from 1981 to 1989, which likely meant that during his reign as US President, because he was referenced as an “old friend” to China in 2004, that the relationship between China and the US oligarchs was extremely amicable with a long history. In 16 years, long established relationships between global power oligarchs do not sour so quickly, as is the narrative being presented to the public today.

Long time US Presidential advisor Henry Kissinger is one of the wolves in sheep’s clothing members of the global oligarchy that has strongly pushed the “China is the biggest threat to global stability” narrative, of which many Westerners have blindly believed without a critical thought entering their brain. However, perhaps this slip of Henry Kissinger’s forked tongue in this 2008 video, in which he stated that newly elected President Barack Obama’s “task was to develop an overall strategy for America…when really a New World Order can be created”, will expose Kissinger as someone whose commentary about foreign policy should never be taken at face value. By the way, today the New World Order initiative has not disappeared. It has simply been rebranded as The Great Reset. One of the most revealing statements in the above Kissinger snippet was that he viewed the ongoing global economic crisis at the time as a wonderful “opportunity” to use Barack Obama to usher in key elements of the New World Order.

Sound familiar? It should, because crisis opportunism has always been a big part of the oligarch’s playbook. Let’s rewind to the Washington DC, conservative, hawkish think tank Project for a New American Century (PNAC)’s report that stated that the process to enforce the US hawks’ desired power structure in the Middle East was likely to be a long, drawn-out one “absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event- like a new Pearl Harbor”. In hindsight, we know that less than a year after that report was published, the tragic “Pearl Harbor” like terrorist attack of 9/11 happened. This brings me, in this shadow game of “connect the dots” to a comment made by US economist Milton Friedman: “Only a crisis – actual or perceived – produces real change. When that crisis occurs, the actions that are taken depend on the ideas that are lying around. That, I believe, is our basic function: to develop alternatives to existing policies, to keep them alive and available until the politically impossible becomes the politically inevitable.”

So, here is the most mind blowing conspiracy theory ever. Now that we know that a long-storied history of very close financial and economic working relationships exist between the West and China (with the above examples only being the tip of the iceberg of all the numerous factual close economic and political ties that have existed for centuries):

Could the viral pandemic that inspired Wuhan-like lockdowns around the world that destroyed the economic livelihood of hundreds of millions of people have been an artificial crisis manufactured by the West/East collaboration of oligarchs to drive global policies, specifically designed to usher in rapid digitization of the global economy that otherwise would have been a slow, arduous process absent this crisis – manufactured or real – but perceived by almost everyone around the world, to be real?

To be crystal clear about the question I am posing above, I am not stating that the virus is not real. Clearly, there is indisputable scientific evidence that has proven its existence. However, after much independent research, much of which you can find on my YouTube channel and on my news site, clearly, there is a mountain of indisputable scientific evidence, some coming from the CDC itself (please click here and read this) that the virus is not anywhere close to being as dangerous as it is perceived to be by the majority of people. If you learned that a bacteria was spreading in Starbucks cafes around the world that yielded a 99.98% survival rate in your age demographic, for example, would you wash your hands immediately after leaving Starbucks 100% of the time? (this question will make sense if you clicked on the above CDC link). Let me know your comments below, and please also let me know if this possible reality has blown your mind?

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J. Kim

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